The Venetian Macau holds the title of Asia’s largest casino. The casino closed in 2018 but reopened once again in January 2022 to reclaim its title from the Casino Lisboa in Portugal as Europe’s largest casino. The casino moved to its current location in 2007, its gigantic new home allowing space for 56 gaming tables and more than 500 slot machines over 9 stories. The casino was founded all the way back in 1917, making it one of Europe’s oldest casinos as well as the largest in size. The Casino di Campione on the shores of Lake Lugano in Italy is the biggest casino in the world, with a gaming space of 590,000 square feet (55,000 square metres).
Casino di Campione, Italy (590,000 Square Feet) Otherwise, here is our comprehensive list of the ten biggest casinos in the world in 2023: #1.